Do you know of a girl between the ages of 6 & 10 that has never played our great game of hockey and might be interested in trying the sport? Please forward this message to them.
HGHA is proud to announce that we have been given the opportunity to run the NHL/NHLPA FIRST SHIFT program next season!
Designed to help your child fall in love with hockey before you buy all the gear, our six-week learn to play program focuses on having fun while learning basic skills.
Head to toe hockey equipment is included with registration, which is only $299.
Our welcome event and gear fitting evening will be on Sunday November 3rd (time to be determined) at the Huntsville Summit Center. 6 weekly on ice practices (weekend ice time to be determined shortly) will follow and then an opportunity for your hockey loving daughter to continue playing hockey with the HGHA for the rest of the season will be available for a discounted registration fee of $100.
Registration is now open, please find more information using this link: and register at this link: Registration
Please share with your friends! We can accommodate up to 30 players for this program!
For more information, contact The Huntsville Girls Hockey Association at GO STING!!