HGHA Constitution and Bylaws

ille GHuntsville Girls Hockey Association Constitution


Article 1- Name


                     Huntsville Girls Hockey Association, also known as HGHA


Article 2- Objectives:


                     The objectives of this association will be:

a)    To provide recreational hockey instruction and competition for girls and women

b)    To promote, encourage and govern hockey for girls and women

c)    To instill ideals of sportsmanship, team spirit, good citizenship and fair play

d)    To encourage and develop, within the executive and working personnel operating this association, good fellowship, honesty, integrity, good sportsmanship and good citizenship


Article 3- Members:


            The members of the Association shall be the officers and directors of the executive, plus those who have accepted HGHA responsibilities. This also includes all players, coaches, trainers and managers.


Article 4- Executive:


a)    The executive shall consist of no more than fourteen (14) officers and they shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the membership present

b)    Each member of the executive has the right to vote on any matter at any executive meeting or any Annual General Meeting of the Association

c)    The executive shall have the power to add additional Committee members (whenever they see fit) who will answer only to the executive.

d)    Executive meetings shall be called whenever necessary at the discretion of the President

e)    Anyone wishing to attend an executive meeting must give written notice to the president or obtain permission prior to attending such meeting.

f)      Anyone wishing to be on the executive committee must give written notice of his or her intent two (2) weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting.

g)    At the conclusion of each year the executive shall choose two (2) people to audit the accounting books of the current season.



Article 5- Teams:


            Teams in the HGHA play under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA) and Lower Lakes Female Hockey League (LLFHL). The Hockey Canada Rules subject to certain amendments set out by the OWHA shall govern them.


Article 6 - By Laws:


            The executive may from time to time set, repeal or amend such by-laws as it deems necessary for conduct of the business of the association in a manner consistent with the constitution.


The President, or his or her constituted representatives shall preside at all executive meetings. He or She can appoint directors, subject to the approval of the executive and shall be empowered to call meetings of said directors at her own discretion. He or She shall serve ex-officio on all committees.


Article 7 - Amendments:


            Amendments to the constitution may be made only at the AGM provided the said amendments is in the hands of the secretary ten (10) days prior to the meeting and provided there is a quorum present at the AGM


Article 8 - Nominations:


a)    Any person entitles to a vote shall have the privilege of nominating a member for office

b)    No Person shall be eligible for the office of President who has not served on the executive for at least the previous two (2) years.

c)    The executive shall annually review the HGHA constitution and By-Laws and recommend any necessary changes prior to the AGM in order that they may be implemented.

d)    The executive shall compile an accurate list, listings; names, telephone numbers etc. of all the executive members (appointed and elected), the coaches, managers etc., in the HGHA and ensure that each executive member receives a copy.





            Vice President



            Tournament Director

            Public Relations - Media, Sponsorship

            Senior Team Representative (Honeys)

            Junior Team Representative (Sting)

            Equipment Manager

            Ice Scheduler


a)    The executive shall be elected annually to act for one (1) year

b)    The election to be held at the Annual General Meeting

c)    The newly elected executive to take office after the AGM in each year


a)    The executive will have the power by majority vote to fill any vacancy, which may occur in its number.

b)    If the President is unable to attend the Vice president shall perform the duties of the President in their absence.

c)    An executive member who is absent for three (3) executive meetings without having given just cause to the President, in advance, may cease to be a member of the executive and her place may be filled at the discretion of the executive

d)    The President shall preside over all the meetings but he/she may only vote in cases of a tie.

ARTICLE   9:  Team   Rosters   and   Registration

a.              Each team will be allowed to register players according to OWHA guidelines.

b.              The cut-off date for signing players will be as per OWHA regulations,

c.       Player movement between one team in an organization to another shall be made before the OWHA signing deadline and with both coaches approval. These decisions will be made in accordance of the player’s wishes and with the best intentions of the association in mind. The executive will have the final say in any dispute in player movement within the organization.

d.      HGHA registration fees will be established from year to year as recommended by the executive.

e.      All players registering are subject to the approval of the executive and they can be asked to leave the association with a prorated refund at the executives discretion, (ie. disciplinary reasons, ineligibility, non-payment of fees etc.)

f.     Insurance coverage for players and staff, as well as executive, will be the program set out by the CAHA and the OWHA and will be the responsibility of the HGHA.

g.      The HGHA shall not be responsible for any injuries or losses incurred by any player or team official.

h)   Players signed with the HGHA must remain with the organization until a written release is obtained. Releases during the season are highly irregular and will follow OWHA policy.   Pick-up forms must be signed prior to any player from this organization playing elsewhere.

i )   There will be no refund of registration money after Dec.1st unless there is a medical reason or the family unexpectedly moves.

j)    All players signed to HGHA cards must pay their registration in full by the specified time lines. Failure to comply could result in the executive prohibiting them from playing or practicing until fees are paid.   In special circumstances, if given proper written notice, the executive may decide to waive or delay the payment of registration fees.

k)   A parent of legal guardian must sign HGHA

registration of any player under 16 years of age.

ARTICLE 10: Coaches and Coaching

a.      The executive must approve coaches, trainers and managers before they are added to a team roster. They should be notified of their acceptance of their position as soon as possible after their application.

b.      Coaches are expected to attend all practices or

in very rare circumstances, arrange for someone in a position of responsibility to run the practice for them.

c.      Coaches are responsible for the behaviour of their team during the game and at the arena before and after any game or practice,

d.      The coaching staff should handle discipline within a team first, unless it is a serious threat to the reputation of or a reflection on the organization. At such time, the executive may feel bound to step in and take action in coordination with the coach or coaches involved.   Team rules should be established at the beginning of the season and violations should be dealt with promptly.






a.     Girls who have played in another Association, other than the HGHA, are eligible to play for an HGHA team provided they have obtained a proper-signed release from their previous organization in accordance with OWHA policy.

b.     Girls playing in the HGHA who partake in hockey outside of the HGHA structure must be aware that any non-structured play is outside the boundaries of OWHA insurance policies and any structured organizations must comply with OWHA policies.

For example, school, university, Boy's hockey or college hockey will not disqualify you from playing in OWHA sanctioned play. The executive expects to be informed of any structured play a player is committed to and your team expects to be treated fairly.

c)   A player must play five league, exhibition or play-off games to qualify for provincial championships and must be declared on the roster sheet submitted to the OWHA by the roster deadline (often Dec.1st)

ARTICLE II: Equipment

a.      All players must wear proper protective equipment as per requirements of the CAHA and the OWHA. This includes the current CSA approved helmet and face shield, as well as the proper neck guard.

b.      Team managers and or coaches are responsible for the care of HGHA equipment (including sweaters) for the duration of the season.


c.   Coaches, managers or trainers may be relieved of their positions of responsibility at the discretion of the executive in a majority vote (providing a quorum exists).




a.             Hockey Canada and OWHA rules will apply.

a.             Individual teams within the organization may establish team rules such as; dress codes etc. and players should have some input into these rule and the consequences.

a.      Player Discipline

i) Fighting - any player that receives a major penalty for fighting is automatically ejected from the balance of that game, plus any add-additional penalties as per OWHA rules.

ii) Kicking, spearing, butt ending or checking from behind - a major penalty for the above is an automatic ejection and further games as per OWHA policies.

iii) Game misconducts - will include the said game and at least one further game.

iv) Gross misconduct - as per OWHA policy.

In any of the above situations, the executive reserves the right to suspend a player or coach further if they deem fit as per a quorum majority vote. It is the responsibility of the individual team officials to ensure that any suspensions handed down by the OWHA and or the HGHA be served in their entirety.




a)    No team shall play more than 3 games in on calendar day without the approval of the executive


b)    Any debts or bills incurred by a team or team management in the HGHA unless otherwise approved by the executive must be settled by said team or individual.   The HGHA executive will not honour these debts.

c)          Any violation of the by-laws or decisions of the executive by any member of the executive body shall render such member liable to suspension.

d)    The Executive must approve all uniforms, jackets, sweaters, and crests.

e)  Only registered players and team officials (coaches, managers and trainers) are allowed on the bench during games or on the ice during team practices.

f)      The coach or manager shall have the option of removing all non-players and officials from the dressing room prior and after games.

g)    All fund raising projects by individual teams should have executive approval prior to commencing.


h)    Every player must return all equipment such as sweaters belonging to the HGHA at the end of each season. It is the coaches and managers responsibility to ensure this.

i)      It will be the responsibility of the HGHA to pay for refs for each of it's teams unless this privilege is abused or a team plays an excessive * of games.


j)      The executive must approve all tournament entries if teams hope to get any funding from the association. These funds will be allocated   when available upon a pre-established protocol.


k)    All team sponsorship moneys will remain with teams but no other money will be made available to individual teams.   Costs of sweaters, tournaments, refs, phone bills, etc., will be the responsibility of the individual teams.


l)      Proceeds from the annual tournament can be used to supplement registration fees (insurance and ice time costs), provide money for association awards, offset costs of next years banquet, and other necessary and or discretionary items the executive deems fit.

m)  The executive will be responsible for maintaining a bank balance of at least $2000 at the end of each season to help with start up costs such ice time, tournament insurance, exhibition games etc.

 n)    Major fund raising ideas for individual teams could be discussed with 1 or more of the associations team reps to avoid conflict with other teams in the same organization. (This is related to By-law i))


o)    Teams will get first chance at sponsors that they have historically been associated with a particular team. If a team has a sweater with the sponsors name on it then they should get first chance at making a "pitch" to that business for sponsorship. The executive will expect a list of existing sponsors and sponsors that teams hope to approach.   This list should be shared with team reps to avoid potential conflict.


p)    Every player on every team as set by the executive will pay a minimum registration fee to the association. This fee must cover the cost of player insurance with the OWHA, the cost of ice time for alt teams for the season and any other miscellaneous items that are deemed necessary by the executive.


q)    The Association tournament will run annually.  All teams must assist as equally as possible to help out with this event. The money raised will go to the HGHA. Any players refusing to help in some way may be subject to disciplinary action by the executive of this association.


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